"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."

Albert Einstein
1879-1955, Physicist

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Take a moment to consider how the workplace has changed over the past 20 years.  We live in a 24 hour, 7 day week economy.  Companies are being stretched by the effects of; mergers and acquisitions, downsizing, outsourcing and the pace of new technology.  These changes can result in unprecedented stress levels, high absenteeism and diminished productivity

Addressing Work-Life Balance in your organisation has several benefits which include:-

 ü Better levels of morale and motivation

ü Improved employee retention rates

ü Increased productivity

ü The reputation of being an employer of choice


- Absenteeism

- Lost productivity

- Recruitment costs

At West 4 we specialise in helping organisations like yours to identify and implement Work-Life Balance strategies that work.

Building a business case for Work-Life Balance strategies in your organisation becomes clear when you have the answers to these questions:-   

Question Yes No
Do you know how much you spend each year on recruitment?
Have you put figures against employee retention rates?
Are you considered to be an employer of choice?
Do you know what your annual rates of employee absenteeism are?
Can you measure your customer satisfaction levels?
Are you able to measure employee productivity?



If you answered NO to two or more of the above, West 4 can help you to join the growing numbers of organisations who have implemented Work-Life Balance strategies and who have seen the results reflected on a healthy bottom line




At West 4 we specialise in helping individuals and organisations achieve work-life balance.
A recent study conducted by Personnel Today revealed that 12.8 million working days are lost in the UK each year to stress in the work place.  This equates to 10% of GDP and costs over £100 billion per annum.  To find out how STRESS MANAGMENT workshops could help your organisation click here  TELL ME MORE ABOUT WORKSHOPS
click here to arrange a 45 minute complimentary consultation to assess how implementing a Work-Life Balance strategy can improve you’re your bottom line. or call +44 (0) 208 9877327 

*Results of DTI Work-Life Balance Study - December 2003